Friday, December 17, 2010

Just watched...

The last episode of Lost for the first time. i think it was good but leaves so many questions. Also im leaving this here to see if anyone actually comes to this anymore and stuff. lol sad face for the end of lost but glad its over. Now to another series!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Fear Factor Blog 10:

Fear Factor Blog 10:
Advice for relationships is something I try real hard not to do, unless it involves ones’ mental or physical health. If my hand were forced to do so, however, I would have to say that making every relationship the one that was going to make or break us is not the best approach. Build small relationships and let them become whatever they are to be. I feel we become devastated only by the things that we let devastate us. I think it is easier to commit and avoid feelings of rejection if we know we have first done everything possible not to set ourselves up for the ability to be hurt so harshly.

Diversity Blog 8:

Diversity Blog 8:
This happens more often depending on what city/state I’m working in. But, I learned that in order to stay in the good graces of an employer one can always depend on their ability to display professional values and business etiquette. I would have to say that when I work in certain areas I notice this being less of a notion than I choose make of it. This can easily have to do with the lack of education. Not only should we always hold ourselves to a higher standard but, I feel companies/employers should make an effort to train employees on how to conduct themselves. SAC could really benefit from this.

Love Addiction Blog 6

Love Addiction Blog 6:
Okay, I can see why I skipped over this one…
Hi, my name is Matthew and I’m a love addict!
I truly have no idea how people can be addicted to love, or if I am. I do know that this is one vice I don’t mind having. And if the first step to addressing an issue is to admit that you have one, well, than not only do I admit having one but, I look forward to struggling with this fine emotion for the rest of my days… heartbreak and all.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Helpful Reminders....

Can't believe this semester is almost over and our Tuesday and Thursday "breakfast club" will not be meeting together anymore.  I hope you guys do continue to use this blog to keep in touch, support each other, and share enlightening news and thoughts with each other (serious or not) :)

However, just wanted to remind y'all of a couple of things before we officially end this semester:

1) If you missed a blog (there are 10 of them), you can still post a late comment for 1/2 credit (5pts).  I'll do one last blog check Friday night at midnight.

2) We will be finishing the last of our movie analysis presentations Thursday at 9:55 in class and having our breakfast potluck.  Hence, don't forget to bring something to share!  I'll take care of paper plates, cups, napkins, plastic wear, etc.

See you all there!


Monday, November 22, 2010

I started existing in flux....

To avoid building up scars.

Honestly in order to get over the fear of commitment you just have to nut up and walk tall after a devastating break up. If something doesn't kill you, walk it off.

Is anyone else up for keeping this blog going as a place to just talk about random crap?

Friday, November 19, 2010

thoughts of a girl..

Our last blog.. it seems like this class went by so fast. Kudos to Professor Wilking. A great last blog topic and an amazing teacher. I'm in a very nostalgic mood, so forgive my long blog. I don't expect many of you to read it or think I know what I'm talking about, but this is my experience with relationships, knowledge, and advice I have to share with anyone who is willing to listen to this 17-year-old girl.
A year ago the most meaningful relationship I've had came to an end. I'd been with him for over a year and I messed it up. We were.. so amazing together. Everything flowed perfectly, we understood each other, made it through family and other issues together, and were really in sync. Conversations.. just happened. There was no thinking about what to say, worrying about being rejected, or any other issues that usually happen. We talked things out and made solutions that worked for both of us. I've never felt so connected to someone before him or sense. When it ended I wen't through everything described in our blog topic. "It can leave one emotionally immobilized, stagnated, depressed and lead to self-destructive, self-defeating irrational behaviors, and regression." Saying I was extremely hurt and broken was an understatement. I realize it's stupid to get that attached to someone at a young age, but I was nonetheless. It's also stupid that thinking about this still brings up a lump in my throat.. I guess what I'm trying to say, is that I know first hand how ending a meaningful relationship can effect someone.
Even though I went through that, and it still hurts a bit, my view on relationships and life is as Steven Coallier said, "Attack life, it's going to kill you anyway." Life is too short to be sad. It really, really is. Relationships are beautiful. Their fun, exciting, supportive, and amazing. So, jump in and don't look back. Whenever you fall in love, you give your heart to someone and with that comes pain. It's going to happen, so enjoy every moment you have while it lasts. And that's all I have to say.

Cheers everyone.
Good luck wherever your life my take you.

Audrey Elizabeth